Can changing the time of your birth control affect your cycle?

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Can changing the time of your birth control affect your cycle?

Unread post by n_sarah39 »

I’ve been on a combination birth control for almost 2 years. I’ve never had a pregnancy scare, and I’ve become mostly regular with about 29 days apart in my cycle. So, for religious reasons I have been fasting (no food or drink all day until sunset) for this month and on May 16th, I’ve switched from taking my pill in the afternoon to around 3 in the morning. Since it is a combination pill, I know it isn’t as urgent to take it at the same time each day as a progesterone only pill.. as sometimes because my days are busy I take my pill within a 2-3 hour time frame from the time I set for myself. Again, this has never given me an issue in the past. Yet, I had my last period on May 2nd.. it is now June 4th.. and I am on my 2nd brown pill... still no period. (I usually get my pill on the last day or so of the last week of my white pill). I sincerely don’t understand why I haven’t gotten my period yet... and the time I changed my pill was earlier than I normally take it so I couldn’t imagine it being as problematic as it would be taking it later than the scheduled time. I asked my pharmacist and they said it shouldn’t be an issue as long as it’s in the designated time frame. I currently am feeling sharp cramps and I had severe breast tenderness about a week ago.. but the breast pain has subsided and the abdominal/ pelvic pain is sharp and I feel it every hour or so. I even feel moist down there? As if I got it... but nothing. I sincerely feel at times this past week or so that it was coming but it still hasn’t come. I emailed my doctor about this as well. Ps I did have sex this month, but again i NEVER missed a pill, and I’ve been on the pill since November 2016. Help! :(
Sam W
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Re: Can changing the time of your birth control affect your cycle?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi n_sarah,

This doesn't sound like cause for concern, especially since your period is only two days later than expected. It's very common to have periods that come a few days later or sooner than you were anticipating. You can read various reasons why that happens here: M.I.A or, Dude, Where's My Period? . Since it sounds like you're experiencing some PMS-like symptoms, it's possible it will arrive soon.
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