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Cramps during ovulation?

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 6:16 pm
by pinkpetals
Hi, I have a question regarding cramps around and after ovulation time!
I had sex on October 20th, a couple days before I was scheduled to ovulate. We used a condom and my boyfriend withdrew, and there were no mishaps or breakages with the condom, so I honestly don't suspect I'm pregnant. A couple days later though, I got these really weird cramps, it felt like a pressure and then it just hit me with this intense pain, the cramps came out of nowhere and I honestly had no idea what it is. It was mostly on my right side, but there was some pain on my other side as well. I still have them now and it's more like a slight pressure. I have a few other symptoms, my boobs don't hurt other then random itchy spells, I'm not throwing up, I do feel a little wetter then normal, and I have been very tired but I think that's due to 3 hour drama rehearsals I've been having. I'm just worried that there's something wrong with my cycle or I have some kind of health problem. I know that the chances of me being pregnant are very slim, so what could it be? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Re: Cramps during ovulation?

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 6:20 pm
by Sam W
Hi pinkpetals,

Some people do report having a slight twinge or cramping when they ovulate. However, the only way to know if you were ovulating at the time of the cramps is if you've been tracking your cycle pretty rigorously. However, if these cramps have been going on for several days, it would be sound to check in with a healthcare provider to see what might be causing them.