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Birth control

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 3:06 am
by Corrie199689
I sprayed deordorant when my pill pack was on my lap would the aerosol have any effect on my pills??

Re: Birth control

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 2:31 pm
by Mo
If you haven't taken a moment to read through the patient instructions/medication information packet that came with your birth control pills, I think that would be a great idea; any kind of medication has instructions and information that will spell out what, if anything, will interact or interfere with that medication's effectiveness. If something you're worried about isn't listed there, you can rest assured that it won't be an issue.
You've asked a lot of questions about whether various things will impact your pill or not; how secure do you feel in this birth control method? Would you like information on other birth control options, or ways to feel more secure in the one you're using right now?

Re: Birth control

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 10:41 am
by Heather
Corrie, I want to set a hard limit on these kinds of questions with you at this point, which are the bulk of your questions here. I think it's clear you're stuck in either an anxiety or OCD cycle, or that you have such little confidence in this method or how you're using it (I can't recall if you use a backup method or not) that it would be much more productive and beneficial to talk about perhaps finding a different method or set of methods you felt more confidence in.