I'm identifying as pansexual again?

Questions and discussion about your sexual lives, choices, activities, ideas and experiences.
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I'm identifying as pansexual again?

Unread post by KittyPink »

Okay, I'm thinking I might be pansexual, but the problem I have a bit of an attachment to lesbian as a label, and like I've realized I'm attracted to enbies, women and men, but only trans men, because like I guess my one ex boyfriend may have been a more traumatic relationship than I thought. But, I guess I still prefer women a lot, and like I guess I feel with me only being okay with dating trans men makes me feel transphobic. I feel like I could date a cis guy, but it would take me a really long time to warm up to him.
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Re: I'm identifying as pansexual again?

Unread post by Heather »

Is there something you’d like with this?

I mean, it’s not like anyone has to get an identity or the words they use for it approves by special committee, or anything. You get to call yourself whatever works for you and that includes changing it up whenever and however you want. :)

But if there’s some kind of engagement with this you’d like, shout it out!
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
not a newbie
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Location: Parma,Ohio

Re: I'm identifying as pansexual again?

Unread post by KittyPink »

I'm just unsure sort of what label I feel is fitting, because like my sexuality's been a little weird lately and like I'm sort of attracted to guys more, I mean I'm still as my friend put it, "neon gay", and I still prefer girls, but like enbies are cool. But like also, like I guess other things have led to me thinking about it, and like I guess I'm just stuck between the two.
"You are a dreamcatcher, you are beautiful to look at and you take the bad away and only give people the good." - Andrea Blankenship


scarleteen founder & director
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Age: 54
Awesomeness Quotient: I have been a sex educator for over 25 years!
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Sexual identity: queery-queer-queer
Location: Chicago

Re: I'm identifying as pansexual again?

Unread post by Heather »

It may be that neither are perfect (often times no one word can cover all of this that well, which is why it's only supposed to serve as a basic shorthand, not a larger definition), or that maybe, in time, what you come up with is your own word or set of words that works best.

But it's also okay to go between, or use one word in one setting, and another somewhere else. Or one this week, and another in another week.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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