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Am I less fertile after my period ends?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:52 pm
by missmandy
I had protected sex with my boyfriend tonight (September 29th), I'm pretty sure the condom did not break. We checked a couple of times. Also, My period ended on September 27th, and my cycle is usually 31 days and my period lasts for 3 days. Say the condom did break, though, what are the chances I could get pregnant? he did not ejaculate in me. Also, I heard that there is a time of the cycle where it is less easy to become pregnant. I did some research that claimed that women can get pregnant during their period. How is this possible?

Re: Am I less fertile after my period ends?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:33 pm
by missmandy
I meant October, not September, sorry

Re: Am I less fertile after my period ends?

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:14 am
by Eddie C
If the condom didn't break or slip then you can be sure it did its job. If he pulled out before ejaculating then, you used two contraceptive methods and that increases even more the efficency rate. It doesn't help anyone to think "…but what if?", seriously.

Unless you are charting your periods along with your basal temperature and cervial mucus, there's no way to tell for sure when you ovulate. Cycles are very different from one to another person and even for the same person from one to another time.

I'm leaving a couple of articles that might be helpful for you.

The first one talks about using more than one contraceptive method and the second one talks about how to chart your cycles in case you want to. ... ol_with_a_ ... _about_fam