Unusual Period Enquiries

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Unusual Period Enquiries

Unread post by faithrien »


I'm currently on my period, however it is nearly two weeks late in comparison to what it normally is, and a lot lighter.

I've had my period since I was 12, and I'm now 16 - so 4 years now. It's always been incredibly regular, every 29 days without fail. My last one was on the 28th May, and then didn't appear again until yesterday, the 9th of July. When it did come, it was incredibly light in comparison. I've still had all the usual symptoms such as back ache, breast tenderness and headaches, but (probably TMI), my period now is weirdly light - more light heavier spotting that only seems to be prominent when I go to the toilet, rather than on a pad. Exactly a month ago (10th July-15th July) I finished my last week of GCSE exams but didn't feel too stressed.

I, again probably TMI, am a virgin, and have only ever engaged in oral with a girl as I am bisexual. Other than that, the only sexual 'contact' I've had is solo masturbation so the chances of me being pregnant are non-existent as you know, it's pretty much impossible. Nevertheless I think we all get worried with changes in our menstrual cycle, especially when it's so unusual as our periods are usually regular.

I was just wondering, to put my mind at rest, if these sort of changes are normal, and if there are any natural reasons that can cool my constant checking of my body haha?
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Re: Unusual Period Enquiries

Unread post by Heather »

They are actually quite common.

What happens most often after around five years of having a period is that period will -- not always, but again, most often -- get lighter and less crampy. Now, that might be a little back and forth for a while still. You might not just be having a period like you are now and have them all be like this ever after: you may still have anywhere from a little to a lot of variation. And that can be how a given person's periods just are (really different from period to period), or people can have cycles where what happens is pretty much the same most of the time.

But seeing this kind of change right about now? You're basically right on time for when we expect this kind of change. :)
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Re: Unusual Period Enquiries

Unread post by faithrien »

Thank you so much! You'e definitely put my mind at rest! It feels a lot better knowing it's something pretty common!
scarleteen founder & director
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Re: Unusual Period Enquiries

Unread post by Heather »

Happy to help. Anything else I can help you with? :)
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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