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birth control and pregnancy

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:54 am
by shyndi123
I been on the pill for 3 years now, but this weeks i forgot to take my pill on monday and tuesday, i had unprotected sex with my fiancé on monday. But wednesday night i took 3 pills one for monday, tuesday and wednesday. Today thrusday i woke up and notice i had alittle of blood, but ny period is not suposed to start a week from now. Im still bleeding and its ligth pinkish, does the bleeding mean, that i could be pregnant, Im freaking out since it has never happen before.
Can you please tell me what could have cause this?.
Thank you

Re: birth control and pregnancy

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:10 am
by Sam W
Hi shyndi,

So,I can't tell you what the cause of the bleeding is. However, missing the two pills likely did compromise their effectiveness. When you miss pills, it's recommended you follow the directions for what to do contained in the patient information that comes with the pill. You are still technically within the window where taking emergency contraception is an option. So, if you're concerned, that's an option you may want to explore.

If you don't mind my asking, is there a particular reason you didn't use a condom in this instance? And are you and your partner up to date on your STI testing?

Re: birth control and pregnancy

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:01 am
by shyndi123
I asked the doctor so she recommended me taking the missing pills on the day im taking the correct pill if that makes since, that why i took 3 pills on Wednesday. Ok maybe taking the contraceptive would be best at this point.

Yes we are n there's no excuse to not use a condom. We should still use them we just didnt use one.

But now that i remeber I got my day days mixed up, i didnt have sex monday, but i did on tuesday but he didnt finish inside me. Then i miss my pills monday, tuesday n took them on Wednesday with the wed. Pill.
So thats less of a risk of pregnancy, But why the bleeding would it be cuz i missed those two days?.=/

Re: birth control and pregnancy

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:08 am
by Sam W
Again, I can't tell you why you're bleeding. That's a question best directed at your healthcare provider.

Also, if he didn't ejaculate inside of you, you can consider yourself as having used withdrawl effectively as a method. You can read about how effective it is here: Withdrawal

If you're interested in getting some emergency contraceptive, this article will tell you what you need to know:Emergency Contraception (Plan B or the Morning-After-Pill)