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BCP and lubrication

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BCP and lubrication

Unread post by kudfc6f5duxc »

I was worried that the pill would make me too dry but the opposites happened,, but I seem to become a lot more wet than before When aroused! I havent read about this happening to anyone, and i don't have an infection. Could it be that the pill just 'doesn't work' for me because of my hormone balance (is this possible?) or is it just a welcome side effect for me and my boyfriend? (I started it around 2 months ago and we also sometimes use condoms but the majority of the time just pull out, as IVE taken it correctly)
Eddie C
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Re: BCP and lubrication

Unread post by Eddie C »

While side effects tend to talk about what happens to the majority of users, they are not always the same for everybody. Bodies are unique and they react in unique ways sometimes. So yes, this could be a side effect of your Birth Control, but maybe it isn't. Changes in diet can also have something to do with lubrication. I cannot tell you exactly why you have this change but what I can tell you is that this doen't mean The Pill is not working with you.

In case you feel like you can't trust your Birth Control you can always use a back-up method (as you already do with condoms), or talk with your healthcare provider about different options. :)
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