I can only masturbate one way!

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I can only masturbate one way!

Unread post by Penny-Lane »

When I masturbate I can only orgasm if I dry hump a pillow. I have recently bought some sex toys and I can’t orgasm with them. I am leaving for a camp in two days where I will be sharing a room with a 12 other girls and the only way to orgasm is with toys in the shower. Help me figure out how to orgasm!
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Re: I can only masturbate one way!

Unread post by Heather »

What might have to happen is that you don't masturbate while you're at camp (chances are good others probably won't be or won't be much, either). That's kind of often how it goes at camp settings if for no other reason than that truly private space is so hard to find or keep for more than a couple minutes.

No one else can help you figure out how to get off, ultimately: that's something everyone just needs to figure out by experimenting. It may be that for right now, the way you have found is the only way, or the only way you'll have figured out by the time you go to camp.
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