Has our recent culture changed your sex life?

Questions and discussion about your sexual lives, choices, activities, ideas and experiences.
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Has our recent culture changed your sex life?

Unread post by Heather »

Or your feelings about it? Or how you imagine it in the future?

I'm asking about the impact of things like changes or possible changes to reproductive rights, for instance (whether that's about finally getting some in Ireland, or likely losing more in the United States, as two examples); immigration/asylum crackdowns, losing rights as a trans or otherwise gender nonconforming, or LGBQ person; what's been happening with sexual predators (both being called out but also being elected in :() or other current events on the axis of sexual and social life.

How is everyone feeling and doing? How has any of this felt like it is or might change things in this area of life for you?
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
Alice O
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Re: Has our recent culture changed your sex life?

Unread post by Alice O »

I was thinking of getting my IUD taken out. After over a year and a half, I was having intense pain that I thought was associated with it, and had finally had enough. Then Kennedy said he was retiring from the Supreme Court and everyone was talking about Roe v Wade maybe being overturned, and I decided: nope! Definitely not getting my IUD taken out. It is such an effective form of birth control, and if abortions become criminalized, not getting pregnant is going to become an even *higher* priority for me. (I also later found out that the IUD likely wasn't what was causing the pain to begin with!)

Also have been thinking (even more than usual) about consent this past year--reflecting on my own experiences, talking with friends etc.

Curious to hear what others have to say!
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Re: Has our recent culture changed your sex life?

Unread post by bikinksterboy »

hearing about changes in the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals to adopt has got me concerned in the past about my future with my partner as we had discussed children before and worries that that possibility could be cut off were definitely there
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Re: Has our recent culture changed your sex life?

Unread post by kartoshkagirl »

I got an IUD last December out of an impending sense of doom about the state of abortion rights and Planned Parenthood in the States (and this was even before Justice Kennedy announced his retirement). I've also been talking to my partner more about why things like Planned Parenthood and Roe v Wade matter (he is not American and was initially mystified at the panic over Trump, though now he gets it). I also came out to my partner and have been donating and heavily advocating for Planned Parenthood over the last year.
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Re: Has our recent culture changed your sex life?

Unread post by Heather »

I think one tough thing for me personally is that while I am so glad so many more people are talking about sexual violence, as a survivor, it's meant that my own trauma has been cued way more than usual, so I am more often struggling with the impacts of that than I have been in a long time.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
Bessie F.
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Re: Has our recent culture changed your sex life?

Unread post by Bessie F. »

As a Latinx lesbian from a country where LGBTQ+ persecution is extremely high and hate crimes are rarely investigated, I moved to the U.S two years ago hoping I would find a place where I would be able to exist freely. The election was about 4 months after I moved. It was, of course, heartbreaking. I've been in a relationship for about 3 years, and my partner is also in the process of moving permanently to the U.S. We have constant conversations about what is the best route to take in terms of the future. Do we get married in the U.S? Would that help or hurt our immigration case? Will we find ourselves having to return to Honduras where our marriage wouldn't even be legalized recognized?
scarleteen founder & director
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Re: Has our recent culture changed your sex life?

Unread post by Heather »

Oh, Bessie. That immigration timing. I can't even. I'm so, so sorry. :(
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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