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Switching Birth Control Pills and pregnancy risk

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:31 pm
by soren
Hello scarleteen team,

I have looked through the pregnancy scare sticky topic and the how bc control works post and there wasnt anything on switching brands of Birth Control Pills. My gf recently switched from microgestin fe 1/20 to Gianvi. We had sex during the placebo week of her taking the microgestin fe 1/20 pill and also the 6th day of the Gianvi pill. Our doctor,nurse and pharmacist didn't tell us whether we need a backup method the first 7 days or not like when she just started taking birth control pills. We also forgot to ask them that. She takes it at the same time every day and haven't missed a pill besides the placebo (sugar, iron pills) cause the doctor said she didn't need to take those.I know that even with bc and condoms there is a small amount of risk, 1-2 percent. Is there a real risk of pregnancy what I mean is the new bc pill, Gianvi, working?


Re: Switching Birth Control Pills and pregnancy risk

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 2:42 am
by Johanna
If she continued on straight to the new pack after the placebo week of her old packs, with no breaks, and she has been taking both the old and the new pill as directed, then the protection should not have been affected by the switch.