Sex with my Girlfriend

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Sex with my Girlfriend

Unread post by LilDonut21 »

Literally my very first time ever posting in a forum in my life. A little about me and her, I’m 21 she’s 18. We got together when I was 19 and she was 17. She’s about to turn 19 this year. We are very honest about our past relationships and every aspect of life. We don’t hide anything from each other.

So me and my girlfriend have been together for almost two years. We are really happy with each other and there isn’t anything either of us can complain about. At all. But sometimes when we have sex I have her talk real dirty to me and tell me about her having sex with me and an ex boyfriend at the same time. While me and her are having sex I have her go into details about what me and him are doing to her and how she likes it. It’s a huge turn on for me sometimes. Is that weird? Like she is okay with it but it doesn’t turn her on like it does me. She’s told me there’s been once or twice where I got a little carried away with the dirty talk that she actually got turned off.
She knows that In reality I could never share her. She doesn’t like me talking to her that way all the time just every once in a while. Should this be an issue I should try to work on? Or is it natural. And I also like it when she massages my prostate. Is that another issue that should be worked on. Please help.
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Re: Sex with my Girlfriend

Unread post by Siân »

Hi LilDonut21,

Welcome to the boards. I wonder what you mean when you ask if these things are an issue? If you mean "is it ok that you like these things?" then yes! Plenty of people have fantasies that they wouldn't act out in reality, and plenty of people enjoy stimulation of their prostate. Liking and wanting those things is normal and fine.

BUT. I think it's important to look at how your likes and wants play out in your relationship. From what you're describing, I don't know that your girlfriend is doing these things with you because <i>she</i> really, really wants to and enjoys it. No doubt she likes to see you happy, but I'm concerned that is coming at the cost of her comfort, you know? Can you give me an idea of how the conversations where you've asked for these have played out? How do you both make sure that BOTH of you are really into what you're doing together, every time?
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