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Unread post by Jenna »

I maybe have a serious problem. I tried to finger myself and my finger like couldn't even get in and when i tried to go deeper it hurt. I have normal menstruation and no problems with health so i don't know where the problem is. I just want to have sex with my boyfriend like normal people do but I'm scared if it will work, when I can't even put my finger in...
Thank you for answer.
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Re: fingering

Unread post by Heather »

Just for the record, there's no "normal" way to be sexual, or any way of having sex that "normal" people do. Human sexuality is super-diverse, so for any one way of being sexual a bunch of people do, a bunch of people also usually don't.

I doubt there's any problem here. It could be a bunch of things: for one, you might be misunderstanding the angle, or unable to reach in the way where you get the right angle (the vagina angles back and up). It might be you weren't aroused enough, or at all. It might be you weren't using lube. It might be you were trying to enter somewhere besides your vaginal opening altogether. Any of those sound like maybes or for-sures to you?

No matter what, though, know none of this likely has anything to do with the ability to have intercourse.
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