How do I forgive a partner who shamed me about my sexuality?
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 7:20 pm
Hi! I am bisexual. I am currently dating a straight man and I love him very much, but I resent him for the way he made me feel when I opened up to him about being bisexual. This happened when I first dated him (we broke up after that because I could not take the pain). He shamed me and assumed that he did something to make me bisexual. He also did not respect what I wanted in the bedroom and was very selfish and heterocentric. In addition, he shamed his two best friends for being lesbian and pansexual, as well. But that was a while ago. Time passed, we got back together, and things have completely changed. He apologized to them and to me for his ignorant behavior. He now respects and loves who I am and treats me the way I deserve to be treated. However, I can’t help but feel anger and resentment towards him for the way he treated me in our last attempt. How do I get over this pain and anger I feel? How do I forgive him for how he made me feel? Has anyone else felt this way too? I know that he grew up in a very heteronormative society, but it’s hard to think that he once was homophobic and did not accept me.