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Locating a therapist. (With some ranting.)

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 9:07 pm
by SilentDragon
So I'm trying to find a therapist, so I called a local abuse support organization (because I thought I could find someone there to talk to more immediately while I'm looking for someone who can help with all of my problems, not just the abuse-related ones) to talk to them about their free counseling services. The problem is that I keep having to call them and repeatedly give them the necessary contact information they ask for and I tell them the best times on a certain day to call me and they say I will be called at one of those times on that day by their counselor... because then they don't call. So I wait a day, a week, and they still do not call. I know they're probably busy, but they keep breaking promises to a group of people who really need others to keep their promises to them right now (assuming I'm not the only one having this problem with them). I don't know if they don't have any counseling times open or had a more immediate crisis or are really understaffed, but it's still really unprofessional. Especially because it keeps happening. Ugh.

...Rant over.

So yeah, I need to find a therapist for as little money as possible. Because while I have insurance through my parents, I really, really don't want to talk to them about it. And I don't have a lot of money, myself. And I need to get all the crazy feelings/thoughts/blah out of my head. Like really soon. I've looked online, and I found a few more places to try, but if you guys are better able to help locate this sort of resource, I would greatly appreciate any assistance you could give.

Re: Locating a therapist. (With some ranting.)

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 8:54 am
by Sam W
Hi Silentdragon,

Urgh, that does sound frustrating. I do have a few thoughts on how to maybe expedite the process. One is, depending on their location, to find some time when they're open to go there in person. Not only will that (hopefully) make it so that you can schedule an appointment right then and there, it will also give you a sense of the space and the people and whether or not you get a good feeling from them.

The other thing to look for are places that say they offer a sliding scale of payment (places geared towards under-served or vulnerable populations often do this). That would make the money/insurance worry less of a worry.

Re: Locating a therapist. (With some ranting.)

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 7:50 pm
by davidavich
The best way to find a therapist in your situation is online. But be careful There are a few good independent directories out there, but my favorite is [removed]. At [link deleted by moderator] you can watch short video interviews of the therapists online before deciding which one you'd like to call. That way you get a feel for them first. When you call them, tell them about your financial and insurance situation and ask them if they might reduce your fee. Hope that helps!

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