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Spotting/period during white pills, what to do?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 5:32 am
by michaelangelo22
Hi Scarleteen staff and volunteers, my girlfriend has been using the pills as our primary method of birth control for over 6 months. Last month, when she was taking white active pills in the second week of the pill cycle, she experienced some serious spotting, which lasted for 4 days. It's almost as if she already started taking the red inactive pills and her period came early. The same thing happened about 2 months ago but it was much lighter so we didn't worry too much. She was quite stressed with uni assignments lately, could this be the cause? According to some of the research I did, spotting should stop after 3 months of pill use, is this correct? When this happens, does it mean the birth control protection provided by the pills has been compromised and it's not safe to have sex? What should we do in situations like this?
Thanks in advance for reply!

Warm Regards,

Re: Spotting/period during white pills, what to do?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:43 am
by Sam W
Hi Michaelangelo,

So, as long as your girlfriend has been taking her pills on time and otherwise using them correctly, she should have full protection from them. As you read, spotting can be a side effect of the pill and even though it's more common when a person is just starting on the pill, it can still happen later on. As far as what you can do, if you're not backing up with condoms, that's a sound practice to add in to your sex life, as it will give you added protection (although, like I said, if she's taking them correctly her protection level is already very high).

I also want to check, are you both up to date with your STI testing?

Re: Spotting/period during white pills, what to do?

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:35 pm
by michaelangelo22
Hi Sam,

Thank you very much for your reply! I feel very relieved after reading it. So, the frequency/amount of spotting will not affect the effectiveness of the pills in any way? I have been told that excessive spotting right before the sugar-pill week could affect its effectiveness, could you shed some light on this? Also, if the pill functions by keeping the eggs stay in the ovaries, will they ever get out during sugar-pill week? if so, does that present a pregnancy risk?

ps We are not quite up to date with STI testing as we are very exclusive.

Thank you in advance for your reply! The work you guys do at Scarleteen is amazing :)

Re: Spotting/period during white pills, what to do?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:47 am
by Johanna
Here is some info on how hormonal birth control works: How do birth control pills really work, even during the placebo period?

Also, even when you are exclusive, it is still a good idea to get tested regularly.

Re: Spotting/period during white pills, what to do?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:00 pm
by michaelangelo22
Hi Joanna,

I have done the reading you provided. So, while you are taking the pill, the eggs will ever be released, even during placebo week? Also, the reading does not answer my question regarding spotting before placebo week. I think it may be implied but I am not entirely sure that my gf is protected even when she has spotting right before placebo week because spotting sounds like the pills not working properly or placebo week taking place early to me. Thanks for your time!!

Re: Spotting/period during white pills, what to do?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:24 pm
by Mo
Spotting isn't a sign of anything going wrong with the pill; it's just something that can happen as a side effect, even after the first few months, and isn't a sign of decreased effectiveness.

And yes, one of the ways the pill works is to prevent ovulation, and as that article states the pill is working to prevent ovulation all the time, not just during the active weeks.

Re: Spotting/period during white pills, what to do?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:57 pm
by michaelangelo22
Thanks for clarifying, Mo! You guys rock :)

Re: Spotting/period during white pills, what to do?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:58 pm
by Mo
You're welcome!