Was the condom okay?

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Was the condom okay?

Unread post by TownHall »

Hey Scarleteen, I just have a quick question. My bf and I had sex and we used a condom but said condom had been in the car’s glove compartment for several months but I checked and everything was intact so we used it. Afterwards I checked the condom and like I blew into it and no air escaped and no leakage but it was wet on the outside so I assume it’s from me? Can I assume that the condom did it’s job correctly since there wasn’t a hole or tear? I also paired it with a plan b because I know that being in the car causes latex breakage but would it be in the way that the condom is more susceptible to breaks or that it’s thin that semen sleeps right through it?
Thank you!
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Re: Was the condom okay?

Unread post by Siân »

When a condom breaks it usually does so with a pretty clear tear. They don't get thin and start "seeping". Think of it like a balloon - a small hole quickly turns into a big tear when it's blown/stretched.
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