Is my vagina loose?

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Is my vagina loose?

Unread post by Nicky78 »


I've had a really frustrating problem recently.
When I have sex with my boyfriend I can barely feel him inside me, it feels too wet, there's no friction and I don't feel pleasure. It seems like my vagina has become looser in a short period of time. I don't have any children and I'm wondering how this is possible.
When I'm not aroused I can insert one finger without a problem, when I try to insert 2 though, I feel resistance in my vaginal walls. When I'm aroused I can insert 2 fingers without a problem.
He hasn't complained but I think he doesn't want to make me feel bad.
I do Kegels but the results don't seem to come very fast.
What can I do?
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Re: Is my vagina loose?

Unread post by Siân »

Hi Nicky!

Welcome to the boards :)

The vagina is a muscle - it doesn't generally "stretch" and change size permanently. Most of the time, it's collapsed closed on itself and short term changes happen when you feel aroused (it relaxes) or tense (it might tighten). This is why you can comfortably insert more fingers when you're more aroused. It sounds to me that you might just be more relaxed when you're having sex than you were before - which is a good thing! Check this out for a bit more info: A few choice words about "tightness". The links at the bottom are good too. Does that help?

I get that you're frustrated at not finding intercourse all that pleasurable recently. It's actually really common for a lot of people to not find it the most satisfying part of sex, or to need stimulation of other areas, such as the clitoris, for it to feel great. How about spending some time figuring out what does feel good for you and incorporating that into sex with your partner? You might like to read this:
The Great No-Orgasm-from-Intercourse Conundrum Anything resonate with you?
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