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Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:26 pm
by olemgirlygirl1
I feel really dumb for doing this but, this weekend me and my bf were performing oral and i forgot i had a cold sore on my mouth. Can he get gential warts? What are the syptoms. What do I do now?


Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:20 am
by Sam W
Hi Olemgirl,

Yes, you could have transfered the herpes virus from your mouth to his genitals through this contact. You can read about that here:
Are coldsores herpes?

As for symptoms and such, you can read about that here: The STI Files: Herpes


Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:09 pm
by olemgirlygirl1
Thanks so much. So if i have type 1, it can create type 2 is his area? I know i have Type 1 because i have no had sexual intercourse with anyone else but my bf. I get cold sores regulary ever since i was young so i first caught it from saliva. What do we do now, do we wait to see if warts appear in his area? It says it could take up to a year for signs to appear. Do we both need to go to the doctors to get tested?


Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:34 am
by Redskies
To clarify something first: a person won't get warts from the herpes virus. Genital warts are caused by some strains of HPV, not herpes. While some herpes infections may be asymptomatic, common symptoms are a rash or blisters - you can see more detailed information in the "STI Files" article Sam linked you to.

No, Type 1 won't become Type 2: it doesn't change like that. If what you have is Type 1, and someone else does catch it from you, they'll have Type 1 too. As the article says, it's possible to contract Type 1 on the genitals or Type 2 on the mouth. "Oral" or "genital" just describes the area where the virus is.

If he's concerned, he can ask his doctor about this. If he does develop symptoms, he should see a doctor while he has them to have the diagnosis confirmed.