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Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:10 pm
by PrettyUgly
About a month ago, I was sexually aSaulted by a super homophobic guy that goes to my school. It’s completely destroyed my life, and he seems completely fine. I want to see him suffer like I did. Would anyone mind texting him [text removed]

Re: Revenge

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 12:53 pm
by Heather
Hey there, PrettyUgly. I saw this come in last night when I was off work, and I moved it somewhere hidden until I could remove the text I edited out, which included an ask for harassment, something that is both not within the user agreement for any of our services, and which I also would not suggest is a good way to go, period.

It seems pretty obvious from what you asked that you're really struggling right now. I'm so sorry. I know it can seem like trying to make the other person burt will help, but even if you do accomplish that, it probably won't do anything to make you struggle less. It's not something at all likely to help you heal.

Do you want to talk some more about what can help? Would you like some help finding some additional resources besides the boards or our services that can help, like in-person sexual assault victim's advocacy and support? I'd be glad to help you with any of these things, and also glad to talk more about the way you're feeling.