Birth control

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Birth control

Unread post by laural1234 »

I started taking birth control for the first time on the first day of my period 16 days ago. On the 10th day I had sex with my boyfriend without a condom. I’ve had many symptoms including brown discharge, bleeding, mild cramps, breast tenderness and increased interest in sex. Is there a chance I could be pregnant or are all of these just regular symptoms of the pill? Should I use a condom next time or am I protected by the pill alone since I take it every day at the same time and haven’t missed a day?
Sam W
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Re: Birth control

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi laural,

We can't say for certain what's causing these symptoms, although some of them are common side effects of the pill. It's likely that your pill was fully effective after one week of taking it but we, and many other sources, recommend waiting at least one full cycle of the pill before going without a back-up method (we generally recommend always using two methods together, since it increases the level of pregnancy prevention as well as protecting against STIs).
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Re: Birth control

Unread post by popgoesdaweal »

Just wondering, I have all the same symptoms and am wondering if you were pregnant? Or if it was symptoms of the pill?
Sam W
scarleteen staff/volunteer
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Re: Birth control

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi popgoesdaweal,

This area of the boards is for staff and volunteer replies only, so I'm going to ask that you make a new thread to ask a question (and that you take a look at this before doing so: ... ety_policy )
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