Condom fell off inside me?

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Condom fell off inside me?

Unread post by giraffegirl12 »

My boyfriend and I were trying to have sex, and he had a hard time getting hard. Once he finally got hard, we put the condom on and proceeded to have sex. At one point, I could feel him become soft again so I asked him to pull out. When he did, the condom was left inside me. I asked him to pull it out, and there was nothing inside of it since he didn’t finish or precum. Is there any chance of me being pregnant? I’m on birth control and I have been for over a year. Thanks!
Sam W
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Re: Condom fell off inside me?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Giraffegirl,

If the condom came all the way off inside you, then that would increase the risk of pregnancy (and STIs as well). However, if the mouth of the condom was hanging outside your vaginal opening when it came off, then the risk goes back down because any fluids inside the condom where falling outside your body rather than inside it.

If you've been taking the pill consistently, then you likely have a pretty high level of protection from that regardless of what happened with the condom (you can see the typical level of effectiveness of the pill here: Combined Oral Contraceptives (The Pill) ). However, if the condom did come all the way off while fully inside you and you're not comfortable relying solely on the pill to protect you, if you're within 72 hours of the incident plan b is still an option.
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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