Should I take Plan B again

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Should I take Plan B again

Unread post by Star19 »

I had protected sex with my boyfriend but I am only worried about his thing rubbing on me. We used a condom and he finished then we took a break. After the break he rubbed his thing almost inside me it was like the tip making contact with the vagina opening. He didn't put it inside me but rubbed on that area and tip was almost like inside me but not really if that makes sense. So I am unsure if he had some sperm left alive from the previous. He than got a condom after that. So I got home took plan B but what worries me is that I ended up sick with food poisoning so on that day of taking Plan B I was in the hospital and they gave me Tylenol and also some nausea medication, diarrhea antibiotic and fluids through IV. I am unsure if that made Plan B less effective and if I should take another one.
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Re: Should I take Plan B again

Unread post by Heather »

You can absolutely call the hospital and ask them.

But if you don't want to, or want a second opinion, I'd say that if you think it's likely those food poisoning symptoms started within a couple hours of taking Plan B you might want to play it safe and take it again.
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