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Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:24 pm
by lalaland
Hi I am a 13 yr old girl and over the summer I am pretty sure I fell in love with a girl and we kissed and I cried because I was scared. A couple months later I played seven minutes in heaven at a party and I was touched and kissed by another girl I was kinda scared because I liked it. Is that bad? Anyways, I am now questioning if I am bi? Or is something really wrong with me? Before this I had never really had any romantic feelings for girls and it's starting to get to me. Please let me know.


More Bisexuality (srry this isn't spam tho)

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 12:21 am
by lalaland
Hi again, (sorry I have a lot of questions!!!) my Mom doesn't allow me to sleep over a boys houses because she says I'm too young. Recently when me and my friends couldn't go we hade our own sleepover. Sometimes we are really chill and others they (my friend) can get really sexual and this was on of those sexual times (which makes me a little uncomfortable and a little intrigued (is that disgusting?)) and most of them label themselves as either lesbian or bi. When we all cuddled together I got a little tingly but I didn't think anything of it. I have always thought of them as friends and nothing more but now that I have started to question my sexuality (due to other things) I'm not sure I like them more than as friends. Urgggghhhh!!!!! But if I am bi that doesn't mean I like like girls and boys equally right?? Can I be mostly into boys and a little into girls and still be heterosexual??? If I ever have any feelings for girls am i automatically no longer straight?


Re: Bisexuality

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:16 am
by Jacob
Hey lalaland,

I would ask why the idea of being bisexual might upset you?

Bisexual could be a good way to describe just being attracted to more than one gender (it's not a 50:50 thing, as if it were measurable), but you also get to choose what works for you.

All the best.