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Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 6:30 am
by Horselover12
This is my fourth month on sprintec birth control. Every month at some point I have had spotting in between periods. I thought this would go away after the third month but now I’m a week away from my period and I have had spotting for a couple days. Is this normal? I have taken my birth control at the same time everyday, only one day was I 2 hours later than usual.

Re: Spotting

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 8:55 am
by Sam W
Hi Horselover,

Spotting during your cycle is a possible side effect of the pill, so it's likely that this is what you're experiencing. Are you otherwise happy with this as a method, or is this side effect making you think you'd like to look at other options?