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Unread post by teejay »

:| I do masturbation more times a day
Sometimes when i do this many times (ie) 3Times
I can feel problem in breathing
Sometimes my private part hurts a little
Can u send tell me a way to control or reduce it
Bcoz i heard some news that doing this will
Make me weak and produces veins which will
Make my part unattractive
So pls rply me how to reduce or control it
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Re: masturbation

Unread post by Heather »

Those things you read about masturbation are not true. You also shouldn't be having issues with your breathing no matter how many times you masturbate. If you are having breathing issues, then or at any other time, I suggest talking to your doctor about them.

Having pain in your genitals, on the other hand, isn't so unusual. They're sensitive, so at a certain point, stimulation can just become too much because the tender skin of them gets raw.

You only masturbate when YOU choose to. It's totally within your control. So, doing it less, if that's what you want, is like choosing to eat a little less, or play less video games, or take more walks: it's just a matter of changing your habits by making different choices.
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