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Do not enjoy masturbation

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 11:24 am
by brightsun
Hey everyone,

I am a girl who can get aroused and lubricated but it is has become very boring to "get it out of my system" by masturbation - I don't enjoy it anymore, I used to.

Do any of you know the reason? And/or possible solutions?


Re: Do not enjoy masturbation

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 8:53 pm
by Alice O
Hey brightsun,

Welcome to the boards! Glad to have you :)

My first question for you is: what is prompting you to masturbate? Is it because you are feeling aroused and are really wanting to masturbate? Or because you are bored, feel like you should, etc.?

Because often if we are masturbating out of boredom or routine or something like that, we are not super likely to enjoy it, at least as much as normal. Same goes for if we are masturbating because we think we should, or need to practice, or something like that. When we feel really aroused, or excited to explore, or generally go into the experience enthusiastically, that's usually when we will really enjoy ourselves. It's really like all sex in that way! And often how much we are enthusiastically wanting to masturbate (or be sexual in any way) is going to vary week by week, month by month, year by year. And that is totally normal and OK!

But maybe that's not what's going on! Let me know, and we can take it from there :)