Masterbation hurting?

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Masterbation hurting?

Unread post by anastasiaa »

Hiya, so i recently tried masterbating and nothing seems to be doing anything for me. I tried fingering and that hurt so then I tried doing it with the end of a hairbrush and with lube and that hurt at first but once it stopped hurting I didnt feel anything?? I don't know I thought this stuff was meant to feel good and im quite confused... am I doing something wrong?
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Re: Masterbation hurting?

Unread post by Siân »

Hi anastasiaa,

There is no wrong way to masturbate! It can take a while to figure out what exactly feels good for you though. When you're doing things that involve entry - with fingers or objects - then pain is usually from not being aroused and relaxed enough. Adding lube is a good start, but those other two ingredients are also really important. Do you feel turned on when you start masturbating? Or do those feelings of arousal come as you masturbate? Or are they just not really there much at all?

With masturbation - as with sex - people often expect that entry is going to be THE MOST pleasurable thing, but actually most people with a vulva don't find that the most fun thing at all; in fact most women don't orgasm from intercourse alone. It might be a good time to take a step back, and try exploring what feels good for your whole body. What do you think?

If you want to read a bit more on different ways people masturbate, take a read of this: How Do You Masturbate?
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