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is this normal?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:10 pm
by Beca_cps
Hi! i was wondering about my menstrual cycle, my last period was really really heavy and long (lasted about 7 days plus 3 more days of spotting) and PMS was incredibly bad, but this month is now 2 days late, i’ve been experiencing menstrual cramps but my period just isn’t there... i was wondering if there is any correlation between these two? or if i should get checked for an hormonal imbalance. my period is usually pretty regular and lasts about 5 days normally.
thank you guys so much for the help!

Also the period before that one was 4 days early! and the PMS was also incredibly bad. do u guys have any suggestions? thank u always for the support and answers that u guys provide us! an amazing team xx

Re: is this normal?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:19 pm
by phantomdog

there's really no definite way to say but i would recommend seeing a doctor if you're really worried about it. sometimes our bodies are just acting weird but it's still a good idea to get it checked out if this is out of the ordinary for you. pms and menstruation can be impacted by things like sleep, diet, hydration, and mental state so you should bring up any changes in these with your doctor so you can figure it out. i'm sure you'll be just fine! i hope this helped and best of luck c:

Re: is this normal?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:17 pm
by Mo
Even if your periods usually are regular, and last the same number of days, it isn't unusual at all to experience some irregularity from time to time, whether that's in terms of when a period starts, how long it lasts, how heavy the flow is, and how intense PMS symptoms are. So, just by itself this isn't necessarily a sign of a problem, but it's certainly something you could talk to your doctor about! I don't think this is necessarily something you need to go out of your way to make an appointment about, but you could bring it up at your next regular checkup if the issue persists.
If you notice your periods becoming even more irregular, or your pain/PMS are much worse, you could make a specific appointment, but for now that may not be necessary.