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Morning after pill bleeding

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 8:00 am
by ghostwriter13
Hi, about 3 weeks ago (my normal cycle is 34 days long and this happened 5 days after my period ended) the condom slipped while I was having sex and half of it was stuck inside me while he pulled out. Since I was on top the cum spilled out onto him instead of me but to be safe I took the morning after pill 12 hours later.

I started bleeding about a week later. It started off with tissue rather than blood but it became like a normal period for about two days. It then became lighter and lighter and lasted about 6 days. I am due my period tomorrow but there seems to be no sign of it coming- instead I’m getting fertile cervical mucus/thick creamy lotiony mucus (which I guess was what I usually get before my period). My cervix is also high but open and soft? Can I assume that bleeding described above was my period? I’m going on holiday soon and would really like to avoid having my period then, thank you :)

Re: Morning after pill bleeding

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:27 pm
by Mo
Hi there ghostwriter, and welcome to Scarleteen.
It's pretty common for people to experience some irregular bleeding after taking emergency contraception; it can make your cycle irregular and potentially cause non-period bleeding as well. Sadly, because of how common this irregularity is, we can't know for sure if what you experienced was your period or not! It'll probably be a good idea to have menstrual supplies on hand for your holiday, just in case.

Re: Morning after pill bleeding

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:13 pm
by ghostwriter13
Hey there! Thanks for the prompt reply. My friend, who has had a similar experience, has just told me to taken a pregnancy test because I am a day late. Is this necessary even though I’ve bled? I feel as though that was my period as I am having ovulatory mucus (egg white stretchy mucus). Thanks! I am going on holiday day after tomorrow and would just like a peace of mind.

Re: Morning after pill bleeding

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:18 pm
by Mo
Because it's not always possible to tell what's emergency-contraception-related bleeding and what's a period, taking a pregnancy test might be a good idea, if for no other reason than to help you relax a bit better on your vacation. :) We do often recommend that people take a test after they've had a scare & taken emergency contraception, for this exact reason.

Re: Morning after pill bleeding

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 4:55 am
by ghostwriter13
Just took a pregnancy test and it was negative! Phew what a relief. Thank you all :)

Re: Morning after pill bleeding

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 3:37 pm
by Mo
You're welcome! I'm glad you got the result you were hoping for.

Re: Morning after pill bleeding

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 9:54 am
by ghostwriter13
Hi! Despite the pregnancy test, I still haven’t gotten my period yet. Should this be a cause of concern? I am aware that the pill may mess me up but I didn’t know it would be this severe. I think I just ovulated last week though so I think it would be safe to assume the bleeding I got was my “period”? Also would the pregnancy test I took be accurate since it would’ve been 4 weeks since the sexual act occurred?

Re: Morning after pill bleeding

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 10:03 am
by Sam W
Hi ghostwriter,

As long as you took the test according to the directions about when and how to test, you can assume the results are accurate (you can read more about that here: Peeing on a Stick: All About Pregnancy Tests ). As Mo said, we can't say whether the bleeding you experienced was your period, because of the possible side effects of plan B.

Re: Morning after pill bleeding

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 8:58 pm
by ghostwriter13
Thank you!