bodily insecurities...

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bodily insecurities...

Unread post by 9589slw »

I dont feel confident with my body at all. my bf always tells me i look beautiful and perfect but it doesnt feel like it. im not the instagram models i see on my timeline and i try so hard not to compare myself but its so hard when everyone else around you has THEE perfect body and face but you dont...idk what im tryna ask but ig im asking for help with my self confidence :?:
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Re: bodily insecurities...

Unread post by Jacob »

Hi 9589slw!

I can assure you that nobody around you has the perfect body, because there isn't one!

But I understand what you are experiencing; it is really hard to feel like our bodies are ok, let alone beautiful.

All our bodies are amazing feats of nature, it's just difficult to see it ourselves sometimes. I know for me, the wider situation helps. If I'm feeling stressed about other things then I'm not going to feel great about my body. So is there anything going on at the moment that might make you feel down on yourself in general?

I also take care of who I follow on social media, and other media I consume. If it's full of people focusing on a certain type of appearance making me feel bad, I can unfollow, unfollow, unfollow.

Also, it's worth asking, what situations and media DO make you feel good?

I have this to recommend from us:

The Sex Goddess Blues: Building Sexual Confidence, Busting Perfectionism

I know it's about sexual confidence, rather than general body confidence but the words (and those amazing illustrations!) could be helpful.
"In between two tall mountains there's a place they call lonesome.
Don't see why they call it lonesome.
I'm never lonesome when I go there." Connie Converse - Talkin' Like You
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