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Top Surgery Resource

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 10:45 am
by Fennic
Hi Scarleteen,
When I started the process of top surgery I found that there weren't a lot of personal accounts that I could access, and so I started keeping a daily blog as i approached and went through surgery. A bunch of folks have already got in touch and said it's a great resource to have. Is this something you'd be interested in looking at, or potentially linking to on the site?

Re: Top Surgery Resource

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 10:59 am
by Sam W
Hi Fennic,

Thank you for sharing this resource, it looks really interesting!

Just for future reference (for you and for other folks), it's better to email us with links you'd like us to share and such. If you ever need it, that contact information is here: