If your partner put his tongue in your vaginal area can that cause your menstrual cycle?

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If your partner put his tongue in your vaginal area can that cause your menstrual cycle?

Unread post by Katrina1 »

My boyfriend put his tongue in my vagina a couple times and I have done the same but its like long after I start bleeding but not real heavy though. I am on the birth control shot and I feel like when I get the shot I dont bleed for a couple days but then i start bleeding but not real heavy and i talked to my doctor once before and he said since the shot isn't fully in my system it's perfectly normal for a woman my age to bleed. So my question is can oral sex make you have your period or is it the birth control shot?
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Re: If your partner put his tongue in your vaginal area can that cause your menstrual cycle?

Unread post by Heather »

No, it cannot. When you get your period is determined many days before you actually do, by the hormones happening through the whole cycle leading up to it.

As your doctor said, spotting with the shot is a very common side effect. This is the likely cause of that spotting.
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