lasting long

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lasting long

Unread post by ayle1257 »

hi , i need to last longer in bed when stroking hard. i cum soon with a few strokes, i have to get it out, do some foreplay, start again, stop again when near cumming. i want to stroke hard and not cum for sometime to give her pleasure. i am married, and when i stroke hard she likes it alooot, but its a shame that i have to stop for a while and start again for a while. Any good tablets for lasting long please..
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Re: lasting long

Unread post by Heather »

You've pretty much already got how this works. In order to extend this time for yourself, what you need to do is space it out by taking breaks. You can talk to your doctor about this if you like, but it doesn't sound like you need or would probably see any change with erectile dysfunction medications, since you don't report having troubles with erection.

It sounds like you and your wife might also not realize that if what she likes is movement inside her vagina, that doesn't have to be something you only do with your penis (or this might be the kinds of sex you're calling foreplay). It's also something you could do with your fingers/hands or sex toys, and for a partner who really likes a lot of time with vaginal sex, those can be much better choices for a few reasons, including that erections do only tend to last for a relatively short period of time for most people after contact like intercourse starts. So, perhaps what you might want to experiment with is using something else -- again, fingers, hands, a toy -- for the kind of sensation she really likes to the point where she feels satisfied and then start intercourse. That way, you can both enjoy how that feels without you feeling a ton of pressure around keeping an erection, or her feeling bummed because it didn't go on as long as she wanted.
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Re: lasting long

Unread post by ayle1257 »

thanx a looot , that is very helpful, i took cialis 20mg one pill and didnt even work on me a bit. so any thoughts?
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Re: lasting long

Unread post by Heather »

All the same thoughts I had up there! Like I said, those kinds of medication won't likely change this for you. The things I suggested might, however. What did you think about them? Did you try them at all?
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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