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Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:43 pm
by armykiki
hi i’m a extremely horny 14 year old that needs advice on this, ever since i’Ve hit puberty, my dad has been acting really weird he’d stare at my boobs and my butt whenever i walk past and sometimes he touches me. One time I took a shower in his showeroom which located in his bedroom, and he came in and stood there but i couldn’t see what he was looking at but it’s most likely he was watching me shower and then he pretended like he didn’t know and walked out so calmly. I’ve tried to tell my mum about this but she doesn’t believe me. In fact, she never does. I just really need some advice on what to do because i don’t feel safe around him at all

Re: Puberty

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:03 pm
by al
Hi there armykiki, and welcome to Scarleteen.

I'm so sorry to hear that this has happened to you. You should always be able to have privacy and shower in a bathroom in your own house, and it wasn't right for him (or anyone) to intrude on your private space in that way. You also said that he touches you - I'm assuming that it's in a way that makes you uncomfortable?

That's definitely not okay. Regardless of how old you are and how your body is developing, you should not be treated like a sexual object in your own home, much less by a parent. It sounds like this has been going on for a while - how long, would you say? Has anyone else witnessed or noticed this behavior?

I'm sorry to hear that your mom wasn't supportive when you brought it up to her. Was this conversation that you had about the shower incident, or about other things as well? Do you have any other trusted adults in your life that you could talk to about it, like aunts or uncles, teachers, or family friends?

In the meantime, how does it make you feel when your family acts this way? What do you do to take care of yourself, or to process the feelings that come up for you? Are there times where you are able to get away from your family and experience feelings of privacy and safety?

(In the meantime, you might find some good tips and suggestions for taking care of yourself in Self-Care A La Carte.)