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Switching birth control brands!

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 5:52 am
by alenamb
Hi you guys, I've always read information on Scarleteen, it has helped me a lot!

My problem is:

I have been taking combined birth control for almost a year and a half. In december I decided to switch brands (Marvelon monophasic to Trienor which is triphasic), I wanted to start my new package right after my last active pill, so I'd be protected from pregnancy right away, but I totally forgot that I was switching, my last active pill was on Sunday, but I forgot to take it on monday, and remembered again on Tuesday, so I started taking the pill this day, my period came on wednesday anyway. I took the pill every day, almost at the same time, no vomiting or diarrhea. Now I'm in the 4th day of my placebo week and my period is not here yet, and it worries me a lot, because using the other brands, my period came after two days of the placebo pills, but in this case there's no even a signal that my period is coming.

Is there a chance I'm pregnant? Did I messed up my cycle by starting the new brand on the second day of my placebo week?

As I wasn't sure about the pregnancy protection and I used condom the first 8 days when I started the new brand, but later I didn't use any protection

Re: Switching birth control brands!

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 6:25 am
by Siân
Hi alenamb

Welcome to the boards!

When starting birth control or switching to a new method of birth control, it can take a while for our bodies to adjust and settle into a predictable pattern. On the pill, your cycle is effectively interrupted so you can't mess it up, but it might take a few months until your bleeding becomes regular again on the new hormones.

In terms of pregnancy protection, recommendations vary by brand so it's best to check the patient information leaflet that came with your pills.