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Shaving down there

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:10 am
by Tania
I am 20 year old girl and would require advice on how to go bald down there. I would like my pussy to be clean shaved but am scared to try razor in those sensitive areas. Suggest some other means by which I could remove the hair in the vulva.

Re: Shaving down there

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:21 am
by Sam W
Hi Tania,

If you're looking to remove pubic hair, your basic options are going to be shaving or waxing the area. You can read about the details of that decision here: ... the_answer

Too, since maintaining the level of clean-shaving it sounds like you want can take some added effort and fuss, it can also be helpful to ask why you're going for that choice and if the desired outcomes are worth the additional maintenance, if that makes sense.

Re: Shaving down there

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:32 am
by Tania
I have been trimming the pubic region with scissors and never shaved or waxed down there since its painful and irritating. I would like to maintain the clean shaved vulva like that of pornstars. My intention is to keep it this way so that my bf would love it.Please suggest some easy ways to maintain the clean shaved vulva.

Re: Shaving down there

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:48 am
by Heather
Just so you know, if you think people who work in porn somehow don't have stubble, or periods of time where they have bumps and growout, you're incorrect. Just because you don't see something on screen doesn't mean it's not happening! Too, you'll generally want to make your grooming choices be about what YOU like and what YOU want to (and can) do, not what someone else might like or want. It's your body, after all, not theirs.

If you do want to shave, and you want to do it often, you do it often (or wax, or however you prefer to remove that hair). But you're still going to have times where there are bumps and stubble, because you're a person, so that's just how this goes. :)

This isn't a site about grooming, though, so just like we don't give instructions about how to cut and style the hair on your head, or how to do your eyebrows, the same mostly goes for pubic hair. Hairstyling just isn't a part of sex and relationships education, it's more an issue of personal style, fashion and grooming. But a world of advice on this certainly awaits you on YouTube and the rest of the internet if you want it!

Re: Shaving down there

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:58 am
by Tania
Thank you for your response. I will certainly check out in youtube or other websites. I have a question regarding sex toys. I have never used one and would love to try out vibrator but I am concerned whether it would hurt the clit if used often?? Please advice.

Re: Shaving down there

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 10:05 am
by Heather
The idea vibrators -- typically made for exactly this purpose -- cause harm when used often is a myth. You can read up about that here: ... ensitivity

By the way, our site has a built-in search function, and it's great when users can give it a whirl before posting questions. It's right at the top of every page of the main site: