Missed Period after Holidays, also Dry Nipple

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Missed Period after Holidays, also Dry Nipple

Unread post by spotteddog »

My period is typically irregular, but going a week longer than it is normally late. Pregnancy isn’t ruled out so if it goes on longer/ I get suspicious symptoms I’ll take a test, but I feel really normal so I don’t wanna stress myself out until I have to.

I’m wondering if my period would be delayed because of winter break a week ago? I’m used to waking up for school at 5:30 every day and getting really little sleep. Over break, I’d stay up all night and sleep all day, getting >8 hours a day overall (that’s an understatement). Could this have wrecked my hormones? It makes sense going from a normal schedule to 2 weeks straight off erratic sleep/wake patterns.

Also, this is completely unrelated to that but might as well ask since I’m here. My right nipple is dry and flaking, kind of itchy and irritated, but my left is doing just fine. If it’s cold my left one will get hard as normal, but my right one doesn’t react at all. It’s on the nipple itself and a bit to the right on the arolea too. This just started a few days ago so I’ll put some coconut oil on it and see if it makes a difference, but I figured I’d ask anyways

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Re: Missed Period after Holidays, also Dry Nipple

Unread post by Heather »

With your nipples, you might want to try something on them that keeps the moisture in better than coconut oil. If you like to use natural things like that, if you can get your hands on some shea butter or cocoa butter and use those on top of or with the coconut oil, that might take care of this a little better. Lip balm often has natural waxes like those in it too, if you have some around and want an easy shortcut. Changes are it's just about this time of year: lips and nipples often get chapped!

Changing sleep patterns, especially radically, can totally have an impact on your cycles. That won't "wreck your hormones," but it can alter the signals being sent from your brain that tell it when to do things when it comes to fertility, for sure.
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