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plan b side effect or something else...?!

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:50 pm
by sadiejaye
Hi! On the last day of my last period my boyfriend and I had sex. It should be known that I am on the birth control pill and take it like clockwork but my bf and I always use a condom too, just to be safe. Well, this particular time we had sex the condom broke. As a precaution, and because we were really nervous, we went out and got Plan B and I took it about an hour after. Later that week I got cramps, which I figured was the Plan B running its course. Then two weeks later, I started spotting. It's been going on for four days first it was very light and now it's gotten to the point where I need to wear a tampon. I'm a little worried because I've heard that people have had some spotting a week after taking Plan B but this is happening two weeks later for me and is heavier than this normal? And is it likely that I will still experience my period/withdrawal bleeding next week when I've started my inactive pills?
P.s. I am very confident that I'm not pregnant but a little extra assurance/your opinion on that topic would be nice too :D :D

Re: plan b side effect or something else...?!

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:59 pm
by Heather
We can't say what impact the Plan B will have on your withdrawal bleed: that's just not something anyone can predict.

But by all means, as the patient information that comes from Plan B usually notes, one of the most common side effects of it is spotting or other unexplained vaginal bleeding.

So long as you are also current with your own STI testing -- to rule out unexplained bleeding from infection -- there is no need for concern about that.