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Is smegma a problem I really need to worry about?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:01 pm
by Confused female
So I recently learned about Smegma and how it can occur in females as well. After hearing about it, it seems really similar to what I am experiencing now. The only problem is the idea of cleaning down there is really uncomfortable. I'm sex repulsed, so anything going near my vagina sends shivers. So will I really have to worry about any side effects besides bad smell?

Re: Is smegma a problem I really need to worry about?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:17 pm
by Mo
Most likely, there isn't going to be much in the way of heavy-duty cleaning that you need to take care of for general maintenance. If you feel like you aren't comfortable touching any part of your vulva at all, making sure you're letting the water run over that area when you take a shower will be pretty helpful on its own. If you feel up for retracting your clitoral hood from time to time, while you're in the shower and standing in a way that would let water run over that area, that would be a bit more of a direct way to keep things clean.

If you're noticing a strong smell, excessive discharge, or other physical symptoms at the moment, it may be something else that would need medical attention. Can you describe what you're experiencing right now?

Re: Is smegma a problem I really need to worry about?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:03 pm
by Confused female
Well, I've noticed a strong smell and that I feel like I'm also damp with discharge. In the past there's also been some white clumps, but those seem to have not shown up lately. Now it's more fluid. Does that help? Should I worry?

Re: Is smegma a problem I really need to worry about?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:11 pm
by Mo
We can't diagnose your situation exactly, but what you're describing could potentially be an indicator of something like a yeast infection or other issue that's important to check in with a doctor about. This article talks a bit about what's normal discharge and what's more of a cause for concern: Honorably Discharged: A Guide to Vaginal Secretions, so reading through that might give you a better idea of whether you might want to check with a doctor.
In terms of the smell you're noticing: very broadly speaking, a buildup of smegma might tend to smell more like your normal genital smell but stronger/more concentrated while some other infections might smell yeasty, or fishy, or otherwise "off" from a regular healthy vaginal scent. This varies from person to person but that broad idea might help you pin things down a bit better.

Re: Is smegma a problem I really need to worry about?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:00 pm
by Confused female
Thanks so much for the help! After reading, I feel like it is not as serious as I thought and seems to be quite normal. The only thing is the smell, but I will use your advice with cleaning and see if that helps.