2 fingers hurt

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2 fingers hurt

Unread post by lemonmeringue »

hi, i just tried manual sex recently and have done it a few times in the past few months, but anything more than 1 finger hurts. I feel relaxed but maybe I'm not? or is it something else?
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Re: 2 fingers hurt

Unread post by Heather »

My answer to that is going to sound silly, but it'd literally be this: so don't use two fingers!

Honestly, if something hurts, you don't have to do it! What we want to do sexually is what feels good, and there's no reason to think that one finger feeling good and two not is some kind of problem.

In the event that one doesn't hurt but it doesn't feel good either, and you want to have manual sex, then it's probably sensible to look at basic things like if you're using enough lube and if you and your partner are communicating enough to find what does feel good.
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