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Plan B and periods

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:54 pm
by s056
I had unprotected sex in September (only used withdrawal) and had missed some of my BC pills so I took plan B about 70 hours after the risk. Since then my periods have come on time but the consistency and length have changed. My periods now a lot shorter (3-4 days vs 7+) and stickier. I’ve taken 3 pregnancy tests all with negative results. Can plan b be the cause of my change in periods?

Re: Plan B and periods

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:32 pm
by Heather
It could, but you know, they also could just be changing on their own.

Looking at your age, it's usually around now or in a person's early 20s that periods start getting shorter and lighter -- and often, thank goodness, less crampy, if they were -- than they were in the early teens. But the pill also often creates these kinds of changes.