The pill

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The pill

Unread post by littlemissp »

Hello guys! I had some busy days back in January since I started a new job so I decided to take the pill continuously during that month. It was the first time I did it. My period came normally in the day it should, however the flow is much lighter than it normally is and I’m experiencing some other side effects as diarrhea. My period is normally pretty heavy but this month is particularly light, at least comparing to what I’m used to. Do you thing this is normal or is it caused by my continuous take of the pill? Should I stop doing that?
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Re: The pill

Unread post by Heather »

This is one of those things where you are probably only going to find out if taking the pill this way is the issue by either waiting it out to see or by going ahead and taking the placebo breaks for a few cycles (so you can see if anything is different when you do).

But diarrhea isn't a typical side effect of the pill: when it comes to bowel side effects, constipation is the more typical one.
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