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Breast Soreness

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:29 pm
by ojh22
Hello! I've recently just had a normal period, heavy and for six days. I normally get sore breasts leading up to my period, which I did, but now they still are in a lot of pain almost a week after. I was wondering what the reasons could be for this and how I can fix it; I'm obviously NOT pregnant, and I've only ever had dry sex. If you could help me that would be awesome! Thank you!

Re: Breast Soreness

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:37 pm
by Mo
It could be that you're experiencing, or about to experience, some breast growth; breast tenderness or soreness can be a sign of that. We can't say for sure what's causing the pain, though. You can certainly take an over the counter painkiller, or try hot baths or compresses, to see if that helps with the pain.

If it's very painful, or the pain continues for another week or two, you could check in with a doctor, but unless that happens I don't think there's anything to be too concerned about here.