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Unread post by blondy01 »

I have a general question; I was reading some of the articles on here and I was wondering if the dry sex no risk of pregnancy still counted if both the male and the female were wearing underwear. I'm pretty sure I'm fine, I just want to be sure. also, if the guy was only wearing a new, unused, non expired condom and the girl was wearing underwear. thank you.
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Re: confused

Unread post by Heather »

Underwear is clothing, so yep!
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Re: confused

Unread post by blondy01 »

how can I stop fixating on this? I know I'm being irrational
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Re: confused

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi blondy,

That depends a lot on where the fixation is coming from. As a starting point, try reading this article (it goes over common reasons why these fears seem to stick around even when the person having them knows they're irrational): You're Not Pregnant. Why Do You think You Are? . Are there any explanations in that piece that seem relevant to you?
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Re: confused

Unread post by blondy01 »

yes there are. I have a lot of issues with anxiety, and issues with my family. also, at one point (I have been freaked out about this for awhile) I was freaked out and took a pregnancy test because my friend knew I was ok and convinced me to take it so that I could convince myself. I got my period the next day, and have on time every month since then (5 months ago, maybe 6) but there was the faintest faintest second line on the test. I think about this often. I have had a period though consistently for years and haven't missed one. so I'm sure this was a mistake because I do have endocrine issues that can apparently cause this to happen. I just keep panicking even though I have periods and no signs of pregnancy. I havent gained weight or anything which is sure to happen if I were somehow 6 months pregnant (I know I'm not, just that incident freaked me out). I have not done anything that would cause me to be pregnant so I can't be but I always freak out about this. I think I need to bring this anxiety up at my appointment with my counselor, and the test issue with my doctor in a few weeks at my appointment.
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Re: confused

Unread post by Mo »

I think it's a great idea to talk to your counselor about this anxiety! Since you have appointments with your counselor and doctor lined up already, it sounds like you're on the right track to get some help in dealing with these pregnancy fears. :)
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