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morning after pill

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:30 pm
by sara26

I kinda had sex with a guy i've been hanging out with, and my kinda i mean there was penetration but only for like 10 seconds, because we were just doing foreplay and he didn't have any comdoms, he told me he was about to finish so i got off and he finished in my mouth.
This being said, to ease my mind I took the morning after pill the next morning, which was saturday, and yesterday(thursday) i noticed there was some blood when i wiped and i had some cramps so i put a tampon in for about 30 mins and before i left i took it out and there was barely anything on it, so i figured it was just some normal spotting from the pill because my last period was october 25-31. BUT this morning when i woke up this morning there was blood in my underwear and when i peed it was like i had my period... so i put a tampon in and went on with my day, now i jet took the tampon out and it was almost completely covered and my underwear had blood in them..... i know this is not normal spotting so is this my period now?
I just had my period october 25-31st so this would be super early...
I'm slightly concerned as I've never taken the morning after pill before and i don't know if this is normal


Re: morning after pill

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:35 pm
by Sam W
Hi sara,

The side effects of plan B can include spotting and weird changes to your cycle, so that could be why the bleeding is happening. You can read more about Plan B here:
Emergency Contraception (Plan B or the Morning-After-Pill)

I just want to check, are you and he up to date on your STI testing?