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i have a boyfriend but im bisexual as fuck..

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:11 pm
by kellyes
Okay well this year I met a girl at school (she's older) but she's Beautiful, she is bisexual , okay and well we got to know each other we met in the hallways one time and she holded my hand and then ended up kissing the days went by I caught feelings for her, every time she kissed me felt weird I had the butterflies , lol, but now she has a boyfriend.. She told me she wanted something real with me but someone always messed us up.. I now also have a boyfriend but I cant stop thinkg of her I still talk to her , and before I got asked out I told her how I thought of her she asked me to not tell her that bc she really doesn't wanna be unfaithful..
My boyfriend is awesome I love him but I got used to seeing him as a best friend
I can't stop thinking of her.): what do I do?

Re: i have a boyfriend but im bisexual as fuck..

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:03 am
by Jacob
Hi Kellyes,

Welcome to scarleteen, it's a pleasure to have you (especially if your awesomeness quotient is 'i can give good advice' !)

I think if you're feeling like you're in a bit of a pickle when there are a few relationships going on, a good thing to do here is to set out the options and think about which ones hurt others, which ones feel bad for you, or feel good for you and so on.

From what you've said here, I can see a few:
  • Be Single
  • You and her both break up with your bfs and get together openly
  • You and/or her stay with your bfs and get together secretly
  • You and/or her stay with your bfs and get together with your partners agreeing to it
  • You move on from her and stick with your bf, even though you're not really feeling it
Can you think of the pros and cons for everyone involved with those choices?