Can’t feel anything when I masturbate

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Can’t feel anything when I masturbate

Unread post by barrie2k »

Hello!! This is a problem I’ve had for as long as I can remember. When I masturbate, I never feel anything physically. I know about needing to feel comfortable and that clitoral stimulation is super important, but I think I do all of that. I don’t feel clitoral stimulation. Does anyone have any help or advice?? Thanks!

If it helps, I’m sixteen and a girl.
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Re: Can’t feel anything when I masturbate

Unread post by Heather »

Welcome to the boards, barrie. We can help you with this.

One of the things that has the most influence on how things feel when we masturbate is if we feel very sexually excited -- or not -- when we're touching ourselves. Would you say that you're doing this only when you feel pretty turned on, or not?

If the answer is yes, that you do feel very excited when you're doing it, then the next thing to look at is what you're doing, and how that feels for you. Have you been trying to explore what feels good to you -- uniquely -- and find that out by trying a lot of things (including not just focusing on your genitals) pretty freely, not just doping what you think you're supposed to?
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