Cum & masturbation

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Cum & masturbation

Unread post by Anon1234 »

I’m 18 - still virgin.
I masturbate, but I reach an orgasm before I can cum. I’ve never cummed while masturbating. That’s been all I want. To cum. It’s not happening. I can just orgasm. If it helps, I rub my clit & finger myself sometimes. But I’m yet to come doing so. I can orgasm in like 3-5 minutes & so I’ve never cummed. I really want to. Please let me know how I can reach this
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Re: Cum & masturbation

Unread post by Siân »

Hi Anon1234,

I'm trying to understand what you feel is missing from masturbation for you when you say you don't cum. Many people understand to cum to mean to orgasm, but I hear you saying you are reaching orgasm. Do you mean that you want to ejaculate?

If so, we have some info on ejaculation here: Squirt: On Ejaculation

Not everyone with a vulva will ejaculate, and many of those that do won't ejaculate every time they orgasm. I think the important thing to take away from that article is that ejaculation is largely involuntary - not something most people can control completely. Can you tell me more about why this is so important to you?
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