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Making Noise While Masturbating

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 4:02 pm
by bluenikuwi
I have a question about moaning while masturbating. I love moaning but I don't naturally do it. Though forcing sometimes make my orgasms better. Do guys have any techniques I could try to help free up my voice and just let it react to the feelings i'm experiencing. I want to one day experience a moan that was completely involuntary. Those really turn me on. Thanks in advance!

Re: Making Noise While Masturbating

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 5:32 am
by Siân
hi bluenikuwi,

We tend not to focus on specific techniques as we are all so varied that what works for one person won't necessarily do anything for another. One thing I will say is that many people find themselves holding their breath or breathing more shallowly as they get more aroused and approach orgasm - which obviously restricts your ability to vocalise! It might be that if you experiment with making sure you keep breathing deeply, the way your orgasms feel, and the noises you make, could change.